


After a two year hiatus, 保利预科 夏天 day camp returns to our 筑堤机的高度 campus.

学校可能不上课, 但是几十年来, anyone who has found themselves on Poly’s beautiful 筑堤机的高度 campus during the summer has witnessed the laughter, 咯咯地笑, 以及数以百计的孩子享受的纯粹的能量 保利暑期体验日营. 今年6月, 时隔两年, kids will be returning and we cannot wait to welcome the happy campers back!


夏天 Experience Day Camp first opened in 1966 with 127 campers and ran uninterrupted until 2020 when COVID shut down schools and camps across the country. During the closures, Poly took the opportunity to upgrade a number of facilities. In addition to large projects such as modernizing classroom spaces and adding HVAC to the Chapel, hundreds of improvements were made throughout the buildings and grounds.

嘉莉Quiqley, 自2014年以来谁一直担任暑期项目主任, explained the importance of following protocols for social distance during the summer of 2021 which required a smaller number of in-person campers. 然而, it was a surprise to many families when 保利预科 announced that its summer camp programs would not return to 筑堤机的高度 for the next two summers.  在此期间, Poly 夏天 relocated its robust 表演艺术 Camp to the Park Slope campus where campers had a blast learning instruments, 跳舞, 唱歌, 设计集, 上演精彩的表演. The program continued Poly 夏天’s focus on team building, friendship, and non-competitive 有趣的.


等待结束了. A plethora of upgrades and renovations are complete and ready for summer campers. 孩子们将享受一个夏天的经验,获得原始, 十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全, indoor and outdoor accommodations to fit all their developmental and entertainment needs. 教室已更新, 我们的运动场已经用新草皮改造过了, 看台, 具体的路径, 和更多的.

我们全新的 保利艺术中心 是今年表演艺术日营的所在地吗.

保利夏令营是孩子们想要的一切:有趣的活动, 游泳, 舞蹈和音乐, all right in their Brooklyn backyard and all in a safe and nurturing environment with caring, 风趣的, 还有经验丰富的咨询师, 他们中的许多人以前都是露营者.


夏令营的最爱,比如奥林匹克周和嘉年华周, 池比赛, and whole-camp barbeques on Wednesdays will make their return this summer. Maybe the elusive rainbow unicorn sprinkler will make an appearance, too. 体育教师 马特·杜兰多96年,P ' 30 remembers the traditions of Poly 夏天 day camp that he recalls with warmth to this day.


 “我在1988年夏天创办了保利夏令营. My parents’ theory was attending Poly camp was a great way to get acclimated to the campus as I would be entering the Poly in the fall of that very same year. I loved camp as I met students who would be my future classmates at Poly but also met some amazing friends from Bay Ridge, 筑堤机的高度, Bensonhurst. The camp provided opportunities for the children in the community to share a healthy summer together. 这一天充满了棒球, 篮球, 足球, Gatorball, 触身式橄榄球, 工艺品, 网球, camp olympic events that made each day unique and incredibly 有趣的. Campers were required to show good sportsmanship and kindness which was modeled by a tremendous leader named Michael Junsch, 71年,94年,95年! We swam two times a day as one period was instructional and the other was free swim. Cooling off after playing in the hot sun was refreshing and invigorating. We took a break from the days’ activities and ate lunch by the pond. The majority of the groomsmen in my wedding went to Poly summer camp with me!”

尝试新事物 & 建立友谊

也许是在白宫举行的舞会, 后院的拔河比赛, 或者学习玩杂耍, 但是不管活动是什么, campers have the chance to try different activities and cheer each other on. 杜兰多所描述的仍然是正确的. Shared experiences are often the conduit for forging new bonds and making good friends and Poly 夏天 is a place where kids can try on something new and meet kids from different schools.


通过设计, the Poly 夏天 day camp program intentionally creates groups of children of the same age to help encourage connections and friendships.  每个营组, 由一名首席辅导员和一群敬业的辅导员领导, 一起参加所有的活动. With opportunities to mix and mingle with campers across the program in games and activities, camp groups provide an extra layer of safety and support for all youth.


Michael Junsch, 71年,94年,95年

Nothing quite says summer camp like donning a bathing suit and learning to swim. Poly 夏天’s learn-to-swim program is designed to safely acclimate youngsters to the water while building confidence as they learn to breathe, 踢, 浮动, 最终游泳. Every camper is evaluated in 游泳 in the first two days of camp, assigned a swim instructor and is given lessons every day for six weeks in two in-ground pools. Not only is our personalized approach 有趣的, it also offers kids skills that will last a lifetime.

成长 & 在享受乐趣的同时培养技能

The Poly summer camp program is designed for kids to develop—and maybe even discover—their own talents and interests. 当辅导员了解营员的时候, 他们能够提供个性化的服务, 博彩网站排名一项技能的深入指导, 以提高孩子的自信心和能力为目标. 所有的营员都打网球, 参与视觉艺术和创意运动, 还有许多户外活动.

Poly 夏天 is a natural extension of the education program and philosophy at our school. “The camping experience is important to the educational process,” said Michael Junsch, 71年,94年,95年他带着50年的工作经验来参加我们的夏令营. “孩子们学会了社交, how to work with adults and fellow campers who may have a completely different perspective. 夏令营向孩子们灌输沟通的价值. 每个孩子都在玩耍,每个孩子都在学习. 我们的营员和员工建立了终身的友谊. 在我担任导演期间, my focus was to create a day camp with a sleep away camp atmosphere, 举办晚间活动, 舞蹈活动, 举办家长露营活动. 这种气氛一直延续到今天.”

Grade 4 and 5 campers will have more choice in their activities each week, 他们是否想花更多的时间在STEM上, 艺术, 或运动. 包容是关键. The goal for all campers is to participate in collaborative community activities and for students to grow and learn in an environment that is non-competitive and encouraged by all members.


举办各种特别活动(如.e. 鼓圈, 寻宝活动, field days); camp traditions, 每周主题, campers will have ample opportunities to discover new aspects of themselves. This program offers a unique chance for kids from schools across NYC to shape this summer community together, 他们沉浸在为期六周的友谊中, 有趣的, 和难忘的回忆.


成为…的一部分 保利暑期体验日营 博彩网站排名戴克高地的一个家庭. 给您的孩子一个安全快乐的保利暑假. 了解更多.
