

Poly on Film Features Bio Pic “马歇尔”

Poly on Film 马歇尔 poster

不要错过下一个保利电影活动,重点关注2017年的电影 马歇尔. The film features the late 查德威克Boseman 描绘一个年轻的 瑟古德·马歇尔 facing one of his greatest challenges as a lawyer for the NAACP. The film’s producer, 乔恩·桑格,61年, will join a panel guaranteed to engage in a compelling conversation. 这 Poly on Film Zoom event is February 24 at 7:00 PM. 如果你还没有看过这部电影,你可以在许多网站上观看.

Join the Poly on Film discussion by 注册ing in advance for the Zoom 事件 February 24 at 7:00 PM.

在电影中, a wealthy 连接icut socialite, 埃莉诺Strubing, 指控黑人司机约瑟夫·斯法尔性侵和谋杀未遂. 马歇尔 teams up with Sam Friedman, a local Jewish lawyer, to build a defense while contending with racism and anti-Semitism. 这部电影获得了奥斯卡金像奖和五项全国有色人种协进会影像奖的提名.

我们的小组包括 乔恩·桑格,61年,他 这部1987年的电影获得了奥斯卡最佳真人短片奖 Ray’s Male Heterosexual 跳舞 Hall and a BAFTA Best Picture Award for the 1980 film 象人, which was nominated for Best Picture by the Academy. Also on the panel are: 芭芭拉·安德伍德 P’04, 现任纽约州副检察长,最高法院大法官马歇尔的第一位女书记员; Dr. 大龙骨, Poly’s Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging; and history teacher Dr. 亚历克斯·卡特. 罗伯特Aberlin ’62 P’00, ’03 将温和的.


A film 博彩网站排名 Brotherhood and Civil Rights

Sanger talked about what drew him to the 瑟古德·马歇尔 project. “I loved that he was the first Black Supreme Court Justice,” he said.  “我只知道他后来的职业生涯,想更多地了解他. 一个朋友给我发了一个剧本,我很喜欢,当时有一家公司想拍一部电影,我把剧本给了他们,他们愿意投资足够的资金让我们起步.桑格找到了更多的投资者,把它拍成了一部独立电影.


我很惊讶,桑格评论道。, “电影中的所有演员都很早就团结在一起,真的致力于这个故事, 这是一个伟大黑人的起源故事,也是一个不知名的犹太人的故事,他了解了公民权利,并在他的职业生涯中加入了这项事业.他补充道, “查德威克和乔什·盖德(饰演山姆·弗里德曼)配合得非常好,他们可以互相补充对方的话,我们还讨论过一起拍另一部电影, 但, 当然, we were devastated by the tragic and untimely death of Chadwick.”

Asked what he hoped our students would learn from 马歇尔 桑格说, “我认为这部电影是博彩网站排名兄弟情谊和民权的,在一个可能比现在更困难的时代, 但 totally connected to it,他回答道。.  “种族主义可能不那么明显,但它肯定存在于我们社会的各个方面.  像Spell这样的每一次胜利都只是为正义而战的一次小小的胜利.”

Convincing 查德威克Boseman

“We loved Chadwick as an actor,” Sanger continued, “and he had played iconic roles before such as Jackie Robinson in 42 詹姆斯·布朗 起床. 起初他不愿意扮演马歇尔,因为他觉得自己看起来不太合适, was so much darker than 马歇尔 我担心这很明显,可能会对影评人造成伤害. 我们让他和瑟古德·马歇尔的儿子通了电话,他的儿子说服他,他的表演质量将超过任何对种族歧视批评者的批评. 它确实做到了. Not only did I think his performance was letter perfect, 但瑟古德·马歇尔的整个家庭在影片上映前都为他们安排了一场私人放映. 马歇尔的妻子很可爱,她在电影结束后告诉我,她喜欢查德威克对瑟古德的刻画,认为他抓住了她丈夫的本质. 然后她在我耳边悄悄说瑟古德当然比查德威克英俊得多!”

How Poly Influenced His Career Path

What part did Poly play in Sanger’s career choice? “My career in film and theater was heavily influenced by David Winder, 她是我的戏剧老师,也是我大四时担任主席的戏剧社的指导老师,” responded Sanger. “I was also enthralled by Dr. 他是我的英国文学老师,也是英语系的主任.  His poetry lectures got me fascinated by language and dramatic speech, 这完全影响了我在大学的专业和我最终进入电影行业.”

Meet the Poly on Film Panelists
芭芭拉·安德伍德 P’04

We are thrilled to welcome back 芭芭拉·安德伍德,他 previously joined our 2019 Poly on Film discussion about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 她有独特的视角曾在1971年的法院任期(1971-72)中担任马歇尔大法官的书记员. “那时候, no woman had ever been a Supreme Court Justice,安德伍德说, “only three other women had ever clerked at the Court, 法官说他不愿意有一个女性法律助理,这是可以接受的. 马歇尔大法官是雇佣女性法律助理的先驱,就像他在许多其他方面一样. He cared deeply about fighting against race discrimination, 当然, 在成为法官之前,他做了很长时间的法官——这就是这部电影的主题. But he cared deeply also about ending sex discrimination, and many other forms of discrimination as well. 他曾经说过,认为黑人(他的话)是唯一需要保护不受歧视的人,这是种族主义.”

“……每当有人问我是否对最高法院似乎正在采取的方向感到绝望时. The answer is: disappointment, sometimes, 但 not despair. We don’t have time for that — there’s too much work to do.”


“我们记得他。,” Underwood continued, “as a fighter for what he believed in, and he certainly was that. But even fighters get discouraged. Early in my clerkship year, 最高法院出现两个空缺:布莱克和哈兰法官辞职, 尼克松总统可以提名两名新法官,他们有望使最高法院大幅向右倾斜. Justice 马歇尔 clearly felt his life’s work was about to slip away, and nothing could be done about it.  当法律助理进来和他谈论可能的反对意见时, he would turn his back on us and say ‘I’m tired. 这 is your fight now.’  One day, his wife, Cissy, came in to talk to the law clerks. She told us it was our job to buck up his spirits, to get him to see that his voice was still needed, that it was still worthwhile for him to speak out in dissent. 于是我们就这么做了. I like to think we made a difference. Justice 马歇尔 threw himself into some important dissents that year. Facing the prospect of a civil rights rollback, he said he was laying down a marker for a brighter future. I think of that experience often now, 每当有人问我是否对法院似乎正在采取的方向感到绝望时,我都会这样回答. The answer is: disappointment, sometimes, 但 not despair. We don’t have time for that — there’s too much work to do.”

“这部电影的两个元素启发了我对瑟古德·马歇尔的理解,”小组成员说 亚历克斯·卡特. “首先,要理解司法系统对马歇尔带来变革有多么个人化……. Second, 马歇尔’s friendship with Langston Hughes. I found it essential to see 马歇尔 as a person with friends, 愿望, 以及超越马歇尔仅仅作为一个法律和知识巨人的观点的爱的关系.”

“我希望保利学院的学生认识到,民权领袖的审判和行动在美国南部内外都有,卡特说. 马歇尔在影片中的斗争是“吉姆·克劳北方”的象征,即美国南部以外的种族隔离和斗争. 他在法庭上争取律师身份的斗争,以及在康涅狄格州针对他的种族暴力,都指向了种族主义, 民权斗争并没有集中在南方, 但 throughout the United States.”

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校友-in-Film Series

瑞吉斯ter in advance for Poly on Film: 马歇尔 on February 24 at 7:00 PM

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提醒! We’ve rescheduled our 讨论 the true crime documentary, Why Did You Kill Me?
请 注册 保利胶片公司的 Why Did You Kill Me? 讨论 3月30日 at 7:00 PM. 看电影 Netflix上.

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