



This advice was shared by Pulitzer Prize-winning New York 次 journalist Matt Rosenberg, the guest speaker at a meeting with the staff of The Polygon 以及其他感兴趣的学生和教师将于11月30日在图书馆举行.

A veteran foreign correspondent for 15 years in Asia, Africa, 和 the Middle East, Rosenberg has most recently been part of the 次’ live reporting on the Israel-Hamas war. Rosenberg was part of a 该团队因报道唐纳德·特朗普而获得2018年普利策奖.

Brianna Sylvain ’27 Lucas Basham ’24 主持了讨论,提出了一些很好的问题,激发了一场生动的对话&A. Sylvain is the arts editor of The Polygon. Basham is the breaking news editor for The Polygon 和 in Rachael Allen’s Advanced Journalism class. 

在巴沙姆的介绍之后,西尔万问罗森博格为什么要做他所做的事情. 他解释说,作为一个年轻的作家,他“想和人们交谈,了解事情.他说,坐下来倾听人们的故事仍然是他工作的重要组成部分.

Scrutiny as Foreign Correspondent

In 2014, while a foreign correspondent for the, Rosenberg was expelled from Afghanistan as a result of his reporting. Asked about this by a student, 罗森伯格解释说,他曾在阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊的“名单上”,最后一根稻草是一篇实际上出现在《博彩网站排名》A12页的故事 . 罗森博格被叫到阿富汗总检察长办公室,被要求说出他的消息来源. He was accused of being a spy. Through colleagues 和 a translator, 罗森博格意识到阿富汗人在讨论是“现在逮捕他还是等等”.” But he was given 24 hours to leave the country.

他讨论了记者报道当前以色列-哈马斯战争的特殊困难, 注意到“你很少看到的审查程度……你所做的一切都会被审查和批评。.”

Matt Rosenberg和学生Brianna Sylvain, 27岁和Lucas Basham, 24岁


“How do you avoid personal bias?” a student asked. “The goal is to be fair,” Rosenberg said. 他建议和面试者坐下来问:“你的观点是什么?’ Allow everyone to have their say.”

Editing 和 Skill Building

罗森博格说,小报纸是记者起步的好地方, but “they don’t exist anymore.他回忆起自己年轻时的新闻编辑室. Bob McFadden, 因为出色的写作技巧而获得普利策奖的人, 他对罗森伯格提交的一篇报道大吼大叫:“我看不到火。!罗森博格接着说,“我很容易被编辑,”他建议学生们,“享受被编辑的感觉。. It’s good for you.他补充说,“一个截止日期能让人集中注意力,这很神奇。.”

Afterward Dov Weinstein Elul ’24 她说:“我很喜欢学习如何与编辑们打交道. 他说,编辑总是有帮助的,即使你不认为它们有帮助,你应该接受它们.”

What was Rosenberg’s advice for students? “Read — it will make you a better writer,” he replied 和 added, “In college, take microeconomics, macroeconomics, 和统计“更好地理解”统计是如何工作的.”

Afghanistan Anecdote

一名学生要求罗森伯格分享你旅行中最疯狂的故事.” During the 2010 surge in Afghanistan, he said, 他被安置在一个一半是美国人一半是阿富汗人的前哨基地. 塔利班的袭击很常见,他不得不经常找掩护. At one point, 他已经四天没喝过咖啡了,直到塔利班再次发动袭击,他才喝上一杯. 但罗森伯格决心不放弃他的咖啡,于是就拿着杯子跑了. 他不得不倒在甲板上,把热咖啡洒到了腿上. Someone yelled,”Medic, man down,但事实证明,他唯一受伤的是自尊和与咖啡有关的东西. 同事们很长时间都没有让他忘记这件事.

Misinformation, Building Trust, 和 Outlook

罗森伯格谈到了虚假信息的问题和人工智能在新闻业面临的挑战. 他建议说:“当你看到什么东西时,看看是谁提供了信息. There is a ton of misinformation. Check the source.在数字新闻行业,“事情发生的时候,我们就会写下来.“获取尽可能多的信息来源,了解”你可以相信什么,不可以相信什么.”

罗森博格说,如果你提醒人们即将发生的博彩网站排名他们的艰难故事, they appreciate it. “人们宁愿被捅在脸上,也不愿被背后捅.他还说,“如果你诚实,人们还是会跟你说话的。.”

“When do you decide a story is done?” a student asked. “When I run out of time, it’s done!在一个专题上,他可能会和他的编辑反复讨论. 他一直在调整,直到编辑把他排除在故事之外.

当被问及他如何看待这个行业的未来时, Rosenberg said, “It’s going to be different.他补充说,人工智能将“提供一套令人难以置信的工具”.”

“Why do it?” a student asked Rosenberg about his chosen profession. He answered that the hope was to “effect real change.但他补充说,他没有料到“人们对我们的看法会如此两极分化。.”

“How do you maintain faith in humanity?” someone asked.

 “You do also see happy things,” Rosenberg assured them.

Matt Rosenberg和学生Brianna Sylvain, 27岁和Lucas Basham, 24岁

How will Polygon staffers use what they learned? 

Hearing about his experiences,” Basham said, 加深了我成为一名记者和驻外记者的兴趣,因为, for one, it has contributed to the person he has become, 但也因为它确实有助于真正的社会变革. 他的大部分故事并没有给世界带来什么疯狂的改变, but those few that do mean a lot. 他也有一些疯狂、有趣和难忘的经历.” 

Elul added, “他谈到了向与你完全不同的人学习,了解他们的观点, 这对我来说是一份非常有趣的工作. But the dangers for me outweigh the reward. 但他所说的正是我喜欢新闻工作的地方——保持专业的好奇心,学习和讲述酷的故事.”
