

First Impressions Are Everything

每年, 数百名来自全国各地大学和学院的招生代表来到保利与未来的学生见面. And while scouts sit in the bleachers to see our athletes compete, there isn’t a corollary for art-focused students. 但是今年, 保利艺术中心的落成为我们的戴克高地校区带来了一种新的访客, 的代表 Savannah College of Art and Design (竹荚鱼).


近年来, 我们的艺术部门在学生中越来越受欢迎,并受到社会的关注. Led by professional artists, our programming has flourished from its distinguished foundation in modern, state-of-the art 空间. 学生们茁壮成长,并因他们的工作获得了著名的学术奖项, contributing to the growth of Poly’s reputation in arts education. 

艺术总监 迈克尔年代. 罗宾逊 他于2018年回到保利,领导从幼儿园到12年级的艺术课程. 在他的领导下, Poly has ushered in a new era of the arts at Poly, including compelling curriculum options, 鼓舞人心的电影, and inviting gallery 空间 to showcase student work. 纽约是世界艺术之都之一,保利利用了这一点 establishing partnerships with world class organizations and cultural institutions like the 博彩网站排名博物馆, 跳舞 Theatre of Harlem, 现代艺术博物馆等等. We have also hosted artists-in-residences on campus, 戏剧工作坊, visiting professional dancers, 视觉艺术家, 电影制作人等等. Through this multilayered approach, students learn about the creative process, build curatorial skills, and interact with professional artists.

As any artist will tell you, rooms that inspire creativity matter. 今年正式启用的保利艺术中心,以其明亮的灯光,改变了校园的景观, welcoming 空间 for students to thrive and showcase their work, improvements continue. As early as the next academic year, our digital photography department will expand, providing students with a darkroom photo lab.

Poly 艺术中心 from outside
Poly 艺术 center gallery interior

As arts is fundamental to the educational experience at Poly, when students enter 上学校 in Grade 9, arts class selection isn’t about choosing an elective. Students at this stage choose an 艺术的途径 这使得他们的学习能够以他们真正的兴趣和选择为指导. Launched in 2021, our Excellence in the 艺术 program is tailored to be a more immersive experience in the arts. 为有兴趣在大学及以后追求艺术的高年级学生提供个性化的关注, 它旨在进一步磨练技能,包括指导和支持学生发展他们的工作组合.

While the famous line in the movie 梦想之地 is often misquoted (“he” in the actual quote, 不是“他们”), the same might be said of Poly’s arts program. On February 28, 2024, Poly welcomed 竹荚鱼’s Dean of Academic Services 戴尔·克利福德 and Director of Admission Recruitment, 劳拉·格雷格. 在保利的学生艺术家和竹荚鱼欢迎的艺术家之间有一些共同之处. 他们的访问为学生们提供了一个全新的视角,让他们了解到是什么让Poly的艺术项目如此独特,并让学生们有机会与竹荚鱼代表坐下来共进午餐,了解他们对特定艺术学科的热情如何成为一种职业. 

戴尔·克利福德, who has been teaching in higher education since 1989, was impressed by the expansive space in Poly’s large art studios, 从摄影到绘画的学生艺术作品的广泛和详细的性质, 以及他在保利艺术中心看到的学生作品的质量。. 他谈到了在画廊而不是传统的教室里展示学生作品对情感的影响:“(当)学生开始在专业的环境中看到他们的作品, they appreciate it at a very different level…. 是什么影响了他们表达自己做了什么以及如何做的能力.” 

When academic and arts 空间 converge, 他们可以为社区提供一个点燃好奇心的机会——比如当一个英语课的学生碰巧透过教室的窗户看到对面的舞蹈室里排练的舞者. It allows for a moment of awe that could bloom into a new passion, or simply elevates their artistic appreciation. When our visitors were here, 他们在掷轮陶瓷课上观察了学生们在车轮上的工作. 

The word is getting around. Much like the excitement around sports championships, the tangible investments in arts curriculum, 空间, 和在保利的表演传递了艺术在保利的重要性和活力. “[Art] is an important part of our world and culture. It helps to define who we are. 它有助于沟通我们的差异,并庆祝这些差异实际上是我们的优势. (保利艺术中心)展示了组成这个伟大社区的个人……. It’s empowering,” Clifford said. 

First impressions can be impactful. “My first feeling was visceral.” Gregg shared her thoughts as she toured the newly opened PAC. “I felt this calm come over me. From the ceiling height, 户外空间, to the lighting and the gallery, I never felt uncomfortable. 有时画廊很荒凉,但PAC的平静感让你专注于工作. You can stand in front of something, look at it for a while, and there’s enough space for you to go to the next thing, 然后从陶器到纤维和摄影,你可以感觉到一种流动.” 

When Clifford and Gregg walked into the Poly 艺术中心, they expressed their genuine excitement as they took in its gallery walls, 显示情况下, and projector screens, all showcasing students’ visual artwork. 他们指出,这些展览为学生们创造的艺术带来了如此大的知名度和活力. 社区通过创意策划的空间获得活力,这些空间充满了同龄人制作的复杂而美丽的艺术. 参观者会欣赏到精心设计的空间在各种媒介中迸发出的微妙力量.

类似的, 竹荚鱼利用每一平方英寸的非传统教育空间和设施来激励学生,并在此过程中, their students feel that 竹荚鱼 is a place of their own. 

保利为那些可能寻求艺术专业道路的学生建立了坚实的早期基础,是他们下一个创意篇章的跳板. 反过来,竹荚鱼促进艺术创业和机会,以建立学生的抱负. 许多艺术驻地或在创意产业中推销业务都需要艺术家的声明. As part of their admissions process, 竹荚鱼寻求充满激情的学生,他们表现出坚韧和对艺术的承诺. 他们课程的目标之一是让学生尽早了解艺术创作是否是他们的激情所在, that there is a viable, lucrative career waiting. 

Having a strong arts program is about reaching to make dreams come true. 格雷格说,保利和竹荚鱼提供的最先进的机械和技术促进了发现. From her own experiences, 她说,当学生局限于自己的专业或研究领域时,探索是有限的. 在保利,学生们有机会学习各种艺术学科. 

Other parallels between Poly and 竹荚鱼 came to light while touring our campus. 这两所学校都激发了他们的空间和社区之间的联系. 他们鼓励艺术领导力,并赋予学生想象自己成为专业艺术家或艺术企业家的能力. 

当新的项目和设施开放时,它会给学生艺术家带来更多的关注. “Creativity is being honored. That’s really obvious here [at Poly], 你的创意在你的节目中得到了尊重和颂扬, 在画廊里,” said Gregg “That’s what we do, 我们庆祝, and then we take you to another level.”

Watch a slideshow of scenes from the new Poly 艺术中心